Published Apr 17, 2022
4 mins read
713 words
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Self Improvement

Golden Rules To Overcome Procrastination And Laziness

Published Apr 17, 2022
4 mins read
713 words

The Genesis, growth and development of human civilization along with the growth of technological Renaissance had been wrought by man's bitter yearnings and struggle against the forces of nature. Man evolved the ideas and designed innovative mechanisms to enable the set up of a safe and a secure life of the subsequent generation and progeny. Such harsh struggle and strife against the natural forces had been possible because an elite squad of leaders and a specific community had overcame their initial inertia and drudgery by rising out of their comfort zones and devised new creative ideas aimed towards easing the daily life struggles and enabling a better place for their upcoming generation. For example, had Thomas Alva Edison not failed 99 times in his quest for the invention of the filament bulb, we would had been plunged in a world of total darkness. And in his 100th attempt, he managed to provide a beacon of niche to the whole world which completely metamorphised the world by his iconoclastic invention. 

Had the Wright Brothers not failed in their first attempt to make first flight of the modern aeroplane, then we would not had the convenience and the ease that the modern aviation sector had played a stellar role in bridging the distances between the nations in the globe. Thus we can inherently surmise that the birth of a great and grand idea or a technological marvel is the outcome of a perennial period of yearning of truth backed by a prolonged and a persistence chronology of hard work. In short, mankind had overcame his inertia and laziness in order to pursue his objective. Now listed below are some valuable tips on how we can overcame our inertia, drudgery and procrastination:

  1. Be goal oriented: History is testimony to the blatant truth that the discot of new ideas and innovations were the result of prolonged and consistent endeavor which was reinforced by a fixed goal in the mind. A man devoid of any goals in life is akin to a shipwrecked vessel wafting in the fathomless ocean under the mercy of the swirling waves which will take it into nowhere. 
  2. Positive approach:We ought to adopt positive vibes in our lives by completing and winding our responsibilities and liabilities within the given deadlines. 
  3. Overcoming temptations and cravings: It is the innate nature of man to be a victim of his cravings and habits. For example, statistics had revealed that almost 80% of the Indian youth spend most of their  free time by watching irrelevant and useless adul and chatting sites in the social media which have no iota of any educative values.
  4. Get up early in the morning: The air is fresh in the early dawn when the trees breathe oxygen which is good for our health. 
  5. Practice meditation: Meditative techniques like yoga, Tai Che, Reiki, etc all have a soothing effect upon our mind which fills it with positive ideas and provide us the necessary enthusiasm to carry out our duties for the whole day. 
  6. Practice physical exercise: Fresh surge of pure oxygen supply to the fatigued brain and the heart caused by the result of strenuous physical exertion helps a lot in curtailing our sloth and lethargy. This keeps us active and alert the whole day long. 
  7. Avoid heavy fatty junk foods: Junk food have a debilitating effect upon our health. Intake of high calorie junk food cause obesity and cardiovascular ailments which result in one being lazy and slothy. 
  8. Overcome your comfort zones: As already explained, mankind had climbed the zenith of his success- all because he had overcame his comfort zones and came out with epoch making innovations and ideas. If we can also overcome our comfort zones- then we can reach the pinnacle of our glory. 
  9. Providence had gifted us with myriad treasures both within us and in the Nature. It is the prerogative of us to discover these hidden treasures which lay within our domain. At for seeking out these treasures require yearnings, endeavor and perennial quest. The main obstacle in the quest  oof finding these treasures comes our ingrained inertia and lethargy. So the panacea of this problem lies in our unbridl effort to control and curtail our laziness. 
  10. In conclusion, Activity is life and stagnancy is death. 
thulasiram.ravi 4/18/22, 1:31 AM
panda 9/11/22, 10:38 AM
activity is life Rafi this line is so true PS: R e a d. m i n e. t o o F o l l o w. m e. t o. g e t f o l l o w e r s

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