Simplifying life is a step toward inner peace. Continuing with ease creates an interior and exterior stay comfortable that disrupts your life
When your life is full, you may want to set boundaries. So don't do some of the less important things that don't really matter. Set a limit on the number of times you visit your inbox, Instagram, Twitter, and more. per day. And don't say that unless you have time.
I need abdominal breathing and exercise to release tension and recharge during the day. What worked for you? Walking, music, yoga, meditation or swimming? Find and do it.
This can create unnecessary stress. Facing the mountain, ask yourself such questions as:
These questions will help you to understand and understand that things can be so bad that you can handle them.
Your emotions also play in the background. If you slow down, move or talk, you may start to feel more stressed (compared to when you walk / talk faster). slowing down stress adds many other things you do in your daily life besides cycling, working at your desk, and eating.
It only takes three minutes to lower your workspace or room. A clean, light and tidy environment around you brings clarity and order to the mind .
So don't stop there. also, tidy up, simplify and rearrange your home and life to live in a relaxed environment
My workplace is just a laptop on a wooden table. I used a comfortable chair and there was a place for my glass of water near the computer. There is no shortage here. just me, computer and water. This brings peace and makes it easier to see during my working hours.
It's a little routine but it changes most of my travel hours a year from longer or more stressful times to moments of relaxation and change.
And now. But if something is wrong from the past - something someone said, something someone else did- it is still in your mind, accept it and let those feelings and thoughts go away instead of trying get rid of it.
When you accept it, it begins to weaken.