'ySCRES't why don't you speak? are you mute? do you stutter?
You here this a lot when you meet new people and don't talk to them instantly I have always been an ambivert I don't hear these things much but I know people who hear them a lot, It truly bothers me why do we always have to talk? why do we always been asked to be quiet before going to some places, I get comfortable with people easily I always am warned not to speak too much before leaving my house cause I don't think before talking I speak exactly what comes to mind that doesn't mean I speak recklessly, so I stopped I don't talk about my feelings much whenever I do it turns out bad, bottling things is not making things any good so here I am writing my first blog about my bottled up feelings. I vent through words now it do helps a lot, so here I am.
I read a quote by Charlotte Bronte it goes this way “Life is so constructed that the event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation” this is on my mind since a long time now how we plan everything but it never goes the way we want it to, and something not going as per our expectation turns our mood sour we end up in a loop of feeling something which is not going to change the situation how most of our problems are constructed by our mind how easily we surrender ourselves to it, the demons in our thoughts try eating us like worms slowly but till the end.
My blog just turned into my thoughts, and it got sidetracked with the title I gave but does that matter? NAh, it don't cause writing exactly the way i think is what this blog would be, I may get sidetracked I maybe surrender myself to my thoughts at some point but at the end it is worth it venting here I meant, I don't know how many of you would relate but if you do you ain't alone bud!! Just a simple unasked advice TALK, WRITE, SCREAM, FIGHT, CRY do whatever it takes to release your bad energy bottling them up will suffocate you, it won't let you live a Life you want for yourself.