Why is it so hard to find something to write or express? I know I can get something while writing itself and that you have to push yourself to reach that. Yes, I started the blog a year ago with the intention to write my thoughts, express my feelings, and know your opinion of certain thoughts and feelings.
When I started this, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to write and it can be anything, be it a story, or an experience, or a dream, or an incident, it can be anything. And I don't want to write for the sake of writing. So far what I have been writing about has got to do with motivation and goals. But I don't have any intention of motivating anyone. All I want to do is share my thoughts and the inspiration comes within the writer but the writer does not intend to inspire the readers. Any sort of that happening is purely unintentional.
There is always something to write and that we just have to look for it. You might not get that too often and that makes the writing or the process stagnant and so you have to push yourself, but then you can't push yourself as it can affect your writing. It is not just about writer's block but it is about the time and the headspace at that particular time.
As time passes, the schedule is going to get tighter that you wouldn't have time for this. So then, you have to prioritise accordingly. Instead of having time, you have to make time or allot a particular time just for writing blogs. Only practice makes you skilled in anything. Without that, your skills go stagnant and eventually falter because you lost the touch.
There are times when I feel like I have something to write and when I sit down and decide to write, I don't feel like it. Maybe don't feel like writing about a particular thing at a particular time. Timing is also one thing. I am a clueless writer. I want to write and get skilled at it and so I have to practice it and keep writing but then, these are the things that stand as obstacles. But then they have to be overcome in order to achieve the target. So you have to push yourself to achieve the goals and at the same time, don't force yourself as you have ended up detesting it. It is a fine line between consistency and natural occurrence. Hope I get to achieve it and maintain my consistency in writing.
That's all for the blog. Thank you so much for reading. I will see you at the next one.