Have you ever wonder to this question that how our mental health and physical health are interconnect?
Due to mental health problem we get risk of developing physical health problem, and vice versa.
it is found that one out of every three people with long-term physical health problem also has a mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety etc.
The answer to this question is found in research which shows that people with a mental health problem are likely to have lot preventable physcial health condition such as heart disease.
Reasons behind this are:
Our bodies and mind are not separate, so its not surprising that our mental health and physical health can affect each other.
we can fell fatique, digestive problem, headache due to depression. we can also experience symptoms like insomnia, restlessness and difficulty concentration.
there are many ways with which you can keep yourself physically well.
Mental illness is also called metal health disorders - these disorders can lead to mental illness includes depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors.
these kind of mental illness can make you miserable and can cause problems in your day to day life, such as in your relationship, in work, in school. In most of these cases these symptoms can be cured with talk therapy (psychotherapy) and combinations of medications.
Some signs and symptoms of mental illness can vary on circumstances and other factors. It affect emotions, thoughts and behaviors.
examples are :
it's always advisable to see your primary care provider or mental health professional. most metal illnesses if not untreated , may get worse over time and cause serious problems.