Hey all,
Most of the girls would have heard this from someone or the other that ‘One day you have to be someone’s daughter in-law' or ‘You have to go to someone’s house tomorrow' and just after it they get started and the girls who have heard such phrases directed to them would surely know, what follows after it.
But have you ever thought that why always it is us who is told about all these things and why not the boys are also told to behave in a certain way? Well, because people don't feel the need of teaching their boys about certain manners and ethics that they more than anyone need to follow and that's also the reason they try and teach us every single thing because every relationship asks for certain sacrifices and adjustments and by teaching the girls to adjust and sacrifice in every situation without questioning or complaining they certainly try to save their boys from such situations. But I always felt that in a relationship, where two persons are involved and may it be any relationship, it requires for both of them to be equally or at least partially responsible and also it's not a one-way thing and it never can be. A relationship has to be a two-way road otherwise it might not work, or there won't be any love, care and all of those feelings or emotions that are required for a relationship to work. For some, it's a give and take relationship too and that is also not wrong in a way but my only point here is that it's not always a girl who should be expected to adjust and sacrifice just because she is a homemaker, she is financially dependent on you, she is a woman, it's hers and only hers responsibility or duty to do so. NO. It's not the case today. even if a woman is a homemaker, still she is adding value to the house. Not financially but in many more ways, that you probably can't. Today, even she can earn well if she wants to but she decides to look after your house and sit at home because she feels so and you should respect that and try and also help her at times as it is your house too and you owe this much to your family.
Thank You.