2. Take Advantages Of Credit Cards:- If you play your cards right-pun intended-credit cards can be a good way to hack your finances and spendsmartly.That said, you have to be really careful to make it work. For instance, say you have a credit card that offers 1% cash back on all purchases. Some cards may also offer higher cash-back percentages on gas stations, restuarants, and travel. So avoid spending more than you actually have, so proceed with extreme caution.
3. Share Your Knowledge:- Do you play guitar ? Code like a boss ? Have a penchant for math ? Other people would love to level up their own skills in these areas- and will pay you to help them do so. Teaching and tutoring are jobs that can easily be done from home thanks to Zoom, Google Meet and other video chat technology apps.
4. Save At The Grocery Store:- They say a penny saved is a penny earned, and in our pandemi-affected economy, nothing rings truer. Grocery spending is simultaneously one of the largest budget categories for many of us. Saving money at the f=grocery shop doesn't have to mean spending hours clipping coupans or only buying ramen. And sometimes just changing wher yiu shop can make a very big difference.
5. Join A Delivery Service:- You might not be able to bus tables, but you could translate your experience into delivering. Many restuarants that aren't allowing on site dining are still offering take out and delivery service jobs also allow you to set your own schedule and work when it suits your needs. Ofcourse even with “no contact drop-off” options, you're likely to be interacting with people, so be sure to wear your mask and carry some hand sanitizer with you…