Eating certain food can help take care of your body and build your immune system. These intakes are called “Immune Boosters”. It is best to Alan your meals to include the below mentioned in order to help improve your immunity to keep yourself on a safer side, especially during this period of pandemic times.
Which Foods Help Improve Immunity?
A well-planned eating routine is one of the key aspects of keeping yourself healthy. “What you consume is what you become”, so eating and following a healthy diet can help to stay fit.
The below-mentioned foods are some of the foods that can aid in building your immune framework:
Blueberries contain a flavonoid called “anthocyanin”, which has antioxidant properties which helps in building a person's immunity.A study performed in 2016 suggests that flavonoids play a important role in respiratory immune system.
Red bell peppers are very rich in vitamin C and also a carrier of beta carotene. In addition to improving your immune frame work, they also help in maintaining healthy skin, and with time after beta carotene is changed into vitamin A it aids in keeping your eyes and skin healthy.
Spinach can help improve immunity because it contains numerous essential supplements and antioxidants like:
Vitamin E and C can help strengthen your immune system and the flavonoids can assist in preventing the regular cold.
Sunflower seeds are loaded with supplements like magnesium, phosphorous, vitamin E and B-6. Vitamin E plays a key role in maintaining the immune system. Sunflower seeds are also rich in “selenium” which can provide additional health benefits.
Kefir is a fermented drink that consists of microorganism cultures that are necessary for our wellbeing. If Kefir is consumed routinely on a everyday basis, it is proven to provide health benefits such as:
Citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C which help build your immune system.Citrus fruits are known to improve the creation of white blood cells which are key role players in battling infections. Some well known citrus fruits are: lemons, oranges, grapes, etc.
Vitamin E is as important as vitamin C when it comes to maintaining health because it helps in preventing and battling infections and is a powerful antioxidant. It is a fat-solvent vitamin and thus requires fat in order to be utilized efficiently.
Some Other Ways To Boost Immunity
Other than including the above-mentioned in your every day meals it is also important to maintain self hygiene and keeping your surroundings clean as well. Some other practices that can help improve body immunity are: