Hi friends, thanks for all the support you have been constantly providing to me. I am very happy to bring in more content whenever possible.
So, let us get into the topic
- Avacados : They provide monosaturated fat, which helps to maintain healthy blood flow.
- Blueberries : They protect your brain from oxidative stress and reduce the effects of brain aging. They can also help with memory.
- Brocolli : A great source of vitamin K, which is known to improve cognitive function and memory.
- Dark Chocolate: This helps you to focus and your concentration. They also have flavonoids, which helps us to improve the cognitive functions. The darker here, the better. The darkest chocolate has the least sugar. Since, we might be known that how sparlingly we need to intake the sugar.
- Eggs : They are avoided by some vegeterians, but they are currently considered as vegeterian only, they provide memory improvement and brain boasting choline.
- Green leafy vegetables : These are majorly types of spinaches. They are very good sources of Vitamin E. They reduce the effects of brain aging and they contain folate which helps in improving memory to a very good level.
- Salamon, Sardines, Caviar : These 3 food items are very much rich in the omega 3 essential fatty acids. These omega 3 fatty acids helps in reducing the effects of brain aging.
- Turmeric : Turmeric is one of the traditional ingrediants that is basically used in food. It has a very good medicinal value. So, we majorly recommand turmeric here because, it helps in reducing the inflammation and boost anti oxidants and their levels. They also improve our brain's oxygen intake. There are also some indications that the turmeric helps in reducing the cognitive decay.
- Walnuts : Walnuts are kind of costly food, which cannot be afforded by poor people, but still we need to register their values related to brain. So, these nuts provide high levels of anti oxidants and Vitamin E. These anti oxidants and vitamin E protect our neurons and protects us against brain aging. They also contain a high level of zinc and magnesium, which are very good for our mood and less chances of mood swings happening.
- Water : Your brain is about 80 percent water, Dehydration can cause brain fog, fatigue and slower reaction and thinking speed. Studies show that well hydrated people score better on brainpower tests.
That is all I had for today, hope this content is useful for you guys.