The universe has its own way of telling how what we think is not working out for us is actually working out for us . What we need to do is just wait patiently and watch . Yes , you read it right . We , humans , always crib about the things which don't go according to our plan and it's common and normal . I'm not gonna love it if even after leaving home on time , I reach office late Or even after working very hard I don't get good grades or promotion . You can think of hundreds of such things when it didn't go as planned . This all is a part of life , it's how life teaches us lessons . Does this mean I should keep crying over these things and neglect the opportunities waiting for me in the future ? The answer is a big NO . You have to keep moving and see what all life has for you , how life unfolds for you . It's definitely gonna be great and amazing . Now , I need an honest answer to the following question , do you think that whenever life didn't treat you right or events didn't go as planned , it was your fault ?
If not , then , why to be sad about it ? Why to overthink it ? Why to sit and cry over such things ? Instead, keep on moving , keep on doing your work and keep giving .
Now let's talk about the ‘law of attraction’ , it is said that , if you really really want something then just ask for it from the universe and believe that it's gonna give you that . And , wait patiently to receive it . Trust me if you are reading this , it works . It really does . The universe has the power to give you what you truely desire . Just have faith in it . And if it doesn't give you , then it was not the best thing for you . According to the law of universe , like attracts like . It means , if you think postive thoughts , you attract positive energy and in turn positive things happen to you . Whereas , on the other hand , if you think negatively or negative thoughts , you attract negative energy and everything goes the opposite way . I hope you understand how important it is to organise your thoughts or I must say how important it is to grow positive thoughts . It's a simple excercise . Once you start doing it , it becomes a habbit and life changes .
You must have heard everybody saying that you only live once . Live ot properly . They say it right , life is small and wonderful . Live it by giving , sharing and loving . Keep doing what you love and don't forget to thank god or universe .
Try this thing and do tell me in the comment section if it works out for you :)