Nobody gives a “F” whether you are alive or dead. Everyone going to leave us at some point. why people dont stand with us at all the situations? lets take a example of a women and she was very attached with her family and her childrens. she was so attached with her children that she was busy taking whole day taking care of them. Suddenly one day she died due to an accident, her aatma or soul has to leave her body. she was so attached with her childrens and family that her attachments went away with her soul. However soul has no intrest in our world but she took away her attachments with her soul because she was so attached and due to sudden death her soul couldn't bear the pain and took all her attachments along with her. wher her soul reached at the entrance of heaven, reached allah, bhagwan, god etc most of the souls reached their happyily but she was sad because she was unable to give up on her attachments so she enquired god why this happened to her? This was not right why my body this soul is so attached with my family, my children that my soul is unable to leave my attachments. please show me some path, i want to go back to my family then smiled and point out his finger towards the sky and screen is forned in the sky, screen started showing her family life five years from now. god said look i am just showing you your family life of 5 years from now. Everyone was doing their work, happy with their life, new members also get added in the family and life was moving. Her photo was hanged at some corner of her house and no one was wandering around that photo after showing all this for few more minutes screen got vanished then God asked that atma look your family is living their life without you and you are still thinking how your family, children going to stay without you. why are you considering yourself so important?? no you are wrong. life does not stop for anyone, it goes on and this is the bitter truth of life. LOOK you make yourself important or people make you important but nothing is important always remember that. No body going to remember you for their whole life.