Its an open fact that life is unpredictable, overwhelming, surprising and all those things that one cannot forsee. Then why do we compare our lives with others and expect good things to happen as immediate as possible? Some of us are mature enough to undermine the above statement, but it might relate hard for others. I've been there, infact I sometimes put myself in that position.
Let me not beat around the bush and get to the point. We, the adult generation for some unknown reason always want only the best and we keep searching for shortcuts to reach there. The thing is we want success so badly that we forget its a time taking process and not every success has the same waiting period. You have a different goal, so do I, and so does everybody. Some want a corporate job, some want a government job, some want to grow their business or follow their passion. Every individual has a different life, different story. Even two colleagues in the same office, in the same post have two different success stories also not in the same time period. My point being, we should'nt let ourselves down thinking that others are growing faster than I. Take your time, there is no time table set that you should achieve things at a particular age or something. I am aware of strings attached to one's career, your circle judging you, your relatives badgering. I'd say you give a blind eye to things that are unnecessary. In the end when ultimately you achieve your goal, things like these won't even matter. So when the time is right for you to work on yourself, dont let these ‘time is running out’ or ‘what might people think if I don’t get a job soon' stuff tamper your precious time.
I have a similar story, I am trying for something bigger and better than usual, but at times when i see people around me getting on with their lives so fast I question myself like did I choose the wrong path? Am I even doing the right thing? what if's and all. Now I'm quite past that. I've made up my mind, me choosing this path is my choice, and this choice suits me well. Success comes only if I wholly give my time to it.
Life gives you lemonade only if you squeeze till the hell out of it..