Published Dec 24, 2023
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Life Hacks

Prehistoric Alarms: Why You Wake Up Before The Sunshine, And It's Thanks To Your Inner Neanderthal

Published Dec 24, 2023
2 mins read
471 words

Ever find yourself bounding out of bed before the birds, while others around you resemble hibernating bears? You might not be a superhero fueled by coffee (though, no judgement!), but a prehistoric rockstar carrying the legacy of early humans in your genes.

It's true! Studies suggest that our internal clocks, those little biological alarm systems dictating our sleep-wake patterns, might have a Neanderthal twist. These ancient hominids, known for their adaptability and resilience, likely evolved a predisposition for early rising. Why? Let's rewind the clock:

Sunrise Surprise: Neanderthal Life on the Menu

Imagine life pre-refrigerators and supermarkets. Neanderthals had to hustle for every meal, hunting and scavenging under the unforgiving sun. To maximize their foraging window, getting an early start was crucial. The first rays of dawn meant fresh tracks, dewdrops revealing hidden berries, and potentially less competition from predators. So, natural selection favored individuals with genes promoting early wakefulness.

Fast Forward to Today: The Morning Person Paradox

Fast forward tens of thousands of years, and here we are, some of us carrying that same Neanderthal perk – the early bird gene. This genetic predisposition, coupled with environmental factors like light exposure and sleep habits, can make us born-and-bred morning larks. While some relish the quiet solitude of pre-dawn hours, others struggle to function before their first cup of coffee.

Embrace Your Inner Dawn Raider:

But hey, being a morning person isn't just about bragging rights (though, an "I woke up before the sun" smugness is perfectly acceptable). Research suggests early risers tend to be more productive, score higher on certain cognitive tasks, and even enjoy better moods. So, if you're a natural alarm clock, embrace it!

Tips for Harnessing Your Neanderthal Hustle:

  • Lighten Up: Morning sunlight cues your body to wake up, so ditch the heavy curtains and let the day in.
  • Move It!: Exercise early, even a brisk walk, to energize your body and mind.
  • Fuel Up Wisely: Avoid sugary breakfasts that lead to crashes; opt for protein and complex carbs for sustained energy.
  • Routine Rules: Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends, to regulate your internal clock.
  • Celebrate Your Sunrise Self: Reward yourself for conquering the early hours. Maybe a sunrise yoga session or a quiet journaling moment with a steaming cup of tea.

Remember, fellow early birds, you're not just morning people; you're the inheritors of an ancient legacy, wired for success by the harsh realities of prehistoric life. So, next time you're up before the birds, be thankful for your Neanderthal genes – they gave you the gift of the dawn.

Bonus Tip: If you're not a natural morning person, don't despair! While genes play a role, lifestyle factors significantly impact sleep patterns. Experiment with different routines, consult a sleep specialist, and remember, even the most ardent sunbather can appreciate the beauty of a quiet sunrise.


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