A black hole is a region in cosmos where the gravity is soo strong that even light cannot escape from there. Also near the black hole the slowing of time is extreme.
Recent update on black hole in march 2021 shows that astronomers have discovered a black hole with just three times the mass of the sun, making it one of the smallest found to date. And it happens to be the closest known black hole at just 1500 light years from earth, still inside the Milkyway galaxy.
Supermassive black holes could host giant tsunamis.
Inside a black hole- Inside a black hole there is hefty amount of matter crammed inside a very small space. The massive black hole won't kill you but smaller ones can. Because of soo much of gravitational pull in massive black holes its stretching force is less than small black holes due to which we can survive into massive ones. We have no information or insights about what is life inside a black hole due to its strong gravitational pull from where light can also not pass through. Near black hole time is very slow and inside a black hole time freezes. Inside a small black hole the stretching force is more so if anyone goes inside it, then it may stretch the body into thin ribbon.
There are four types of blackhole- Stellar, Intermediate, Supermassive and Miniature.
The singularity at the center of a black hole is kind of no mans land . Like a place where any matter is compressed to infinitely tiny point and all conceptions of time and space completely break down. Singularity means a point where any thing or a property becomes infinite. At the singularity time has no meaning. Time freezes at singularity.
Event horizon is the boundary defining the space near or around the black hole from which even a light cannot escape. Also escape velocity of an object within event horizon exceeds the speed of light.
Temperature of blackhole is estimated around 1.4 * 10^-14 degree Kelvin. That is a very low temperature, almost absolute zero.
Albert Einstein first predicted the existence of black hole using theory of relativity after that many scientists did research on it such as John Wheeler , Stephens Hawkins and many more.
In 2019 the event horizon released the first image ever recorded of a black hole,
So, we can say black holes are some of the strangest and most fascinating objects in outer space.