Hi, I'm Sanooj. I've been on this path to improve myself both physically and mentally for a couple of years now, because ultimately only the best version of ourselves can only be out best ally in our life one way or another. Gym has been a vital part of me when it comes to my self improvement. Agood workout if done correctly will get you far and more healthier than an average person today. So if you are new to this path or maybe you have already started your journey (kudos! to the ones who have already kick started ) i could give you a tip or two.
You have already heard most of the buts about these fitness journey and all, so I'm not going to dive deeper into all the topics. Let's just stick to the basics.
First of all patience is the key. You can't rush the process, simple as that. This is more of the mentality aspects of the things and ithelps you carry a long way in your journey. Start it small like try showingn up to the gym or go for a walk daily for at least 21 days. It doesn't have to be a full blown hardcore workout or a long run. Showing up is the key. This helps you to build a routine and keeps you focused in the long term of things.
How you look and feel solely depends on what you put inside your body. You don't need to follow bizarre diet plans or anything in the beginning. Just stick to the few basic pointers like cut off the processed food and eat homemade meals and fruits and nuts as snacks. The key is to eat enough to satisfy your hunger and not to eat when you are bored. Try having a balanced meal every time you eat. Add a little bit of proteins like eggs or chicken or nuts or legumes and also greens like spinach, broccoli or asparagus and also clean carbs like rice or oatmeal.
Rest is the key that we all are lagging these days when it comes to both physical and mental well being. Too much distractions like the social medias, work, family they all get a chunk of peacefulness of our mind. It's important to keep or mind calm and collected before we go for a well needed rest, otherwise you will only sleep and wake up with a feeling of more tiredness. Try meditating for just 60 seconds before bed. Keeping every distractions away right begore you go to sleep, close yours eyes and sit calm concentrating just on your breathing. This will train your mind to stay empty from thoughts and prepare yourself for a well needed rest. Also try keeping the room a bit darker by turning off all the lights and use earplugs if you have a snoring partner.
Remember guys once mind starts to go with you the body will follow. So if you want to improve yourself try setting up with smaller goals and try to achieve them with persistence and patience, these short term goals will give you a good confidence boost and self motivation that helps you to reach far better and bigger goals ahead of your life. That's it guys cheers and see you until next time…!