My Diary (or) Journal
Personal Development
3 Tips To Know How To Write Your Diary!
Hello my friends I hope you are doing great!
Today, I am going to share a few on writing a DIARY. First thing there is a difference between writing a diary and journalizing. Diary is kept for writing your daily records. Like what happened, what you have thought, what you did, how you felt, and so on.
But a journal is a different thing. Journal is more about writing what you are feeling, what is your vision, thoughts, ideas, mission, etc. I hope now you have understood the difference between them both.
Now, I will tell you a few ways to write your DIARY, DAILY!
- Time: Decide what time do you prefer to write. For some writing at night just before sleeping works and for some writing down the next day works. So, decide your time. Also, if you are new to this and wants to write but don't know what would work for you, then try both the time one by one. Start with writing when the day ends. Means you are going to sleep just after writing it down.
- Sentence: Many people write their whole day-long story and some people just write highlights of the day. So, this means you need to write to know what suits you the best. Do you prefer writing it in detail about the day and how you felt about it? Or do you want to write just about the highlights which happened on that day? The choice is yours. Know what suits you better.
- Online/offline: As I said that know what suits you. These are the things you need to know before you start. You need to be aware that what suits you the best. Writing down your day with a pen on a book or writing down your day on mobile. Today many apps are available for writing down your daily details. But, I would suggest not downloading any random apps as it is a risk. And if you still want to write on an app then please don't write anything like bank details or give them access to your memory etc. Many people feel connected while writing offline. This means they found a good connection while writing a book.
So, let me know what's on your mind. Have you ever started writing a diary? Or you have started but never be consistent in that? Or you are thinking to start this again by considering points.