GYM what we called the centers equipped with the machines and equipment to make yourself body fit and fine. Firstly in the older times, there was Akharas where the men went to do prepare themselves for the kushti and they were kushti lovers and they do the exercise manually by the process called Dand Bethak, They use the wooden big thing named Mudgal to make the power in their arm body.
And to do this they need energy so much that they eat high proteins vegetables drink 3-3, 4-4 glass of milk in one shot they used to compete fight with each other to increase their power.
As the period of life moving on and on the trends of the exercises change a lot and the Competitions like Wrestling, Body Building, Boxing and many others games came into the trends but if we see in the games related to the body fitness mainly came in trends was Wrestling and Body Building by seeing this youth encourage to make their bodies like them but they use the new technology equipment to do shape their bodies and some make the centres Called them GYM so every person who cants afford the equipment can also come and shape their body these are also called now as Fitness centres and women are also encouraged to make their body fit to look bold and beautiful.
But if we see there are some good things in the world and some are bad things which have so much bad effect on the body of the person and the main thing is Alcohol previously known as the Madira in the ancient times to cure themselves of some painful diseases but intake more of this cause many harmful effects get to the death of the person.
This alcohol put a very bad affect on GYM lovers as there some loving persons died of this alcohol also this alcohol affect the fitness of the body and ruined the performance of the GYM as it makes you weak which hampers your coordination of the body parts. It is very much important in the GYM to do the exercises.
The idea of writing on this article came into my mind by watching the present scenario of the country due to the coronavirus as the thing which is very useful for the body parts to increase their immunity level and energy has been closed and the product which hampers the body fitness is open and all are drinking on full fledge.
My main motive to write this article is to ask the peoples which one is mainly required to save the people of every country and why the gyms are closed which are very useful to maintain your body.