As we grow, develop, and adjust throughout our lives, friendships are important to our health and well-being. It is almost universally true that friendship exists at every stage of development, although the form it takes varies dramatically from one stage to the next.
The foundations for friendships begin to emerge quite early in children, regardless of what age they first begin forming. The behaviours of toddlers when interacting with familiar peers is regular and predictable earlier than when interacting with unfamiliar peers. During the first two years of life, children show stable preferences for certain peers over others, and their interaction patterns with these preferred playmates are different from those with other familiar friends. It becomes more evident that children have true friendships when they reach preschool age.
Social pretend play shows a great deal of difference between friends and non-friends. As children get older, they begin to integrate more emotional and affective components into their friendships. The quality of friendship between preschool friends appears to be higher than that of nonfriends, in terms of measures of positive affect, closeness, and loyalty. Furthermore, even young children become sad or lonely when a friend leaves.
True friendships take time and effort to build, which is why they're so significant in life. Life is full of surprises, and you will always need someone to confide in, tell your secrets to, and grow with. Unfortunately, we fail to recognize the nature of the person and harm ourselves as a result. So, if you want to become a successful person in life, then it becomes very significant for you to know how the people around you are. You are doing this because they want something from you. It's because some of them harm us, while others take advantage of us.
Here are ways to distinguish fake people from real ones.
Fake friendships are always based on gossip and unnecessary drama. There's no wonder your best friend can gossip about you to others if they enjoy gossiping about you. As a result, the relationship can be damaged somewhere, and, as a result, you may also suffer as a result.
Show no support
No matter what the situation is, true friends always stand up for each other. Fake friends, on the other hand, are always running away from you when you need them most.
Selfish approach
The main characteristic of selfish people is that they will approach you only when they need something. Keeping your contact with such people to a minimum is a good idea.
There is a tendency for fake friends to be very jealous. Your achievements won't be celebrated by them because they feel bad about themselves when someone succeeds. Such friends can often become a problem for you, so it is best to distance yourself from them.