Communication is foundation of human interaction. Over the years we have evolved so has the communication techniques and ability. Today communication is one of the most important skill required professionally and personally.
One Important component of communication is listening. Listening is important because If there is no effective Listening there will be breakdown in communication which hampers productivity at work and understanding in relationship.
Listening also is important because it helps us analyse information and make inference and judgement about the situation and what is being said.
Problem occurs when we listen to reply and not to understand,this creates communication gap and further deepens the crisis.
If we are active listeners we overcome any barrier and build meaningful connections.
Effective Listening helps us understand expectations that people have from us both at work and at home, it gives us better Acceptance.
Once we learn the art of listening we are in better position to help and support people because we are empathetic and responsible.we are non-judgmental and are open to help people around us without any bias.
Professionally effective listening helps is become a better team player and a better problem solver because we are able to differentiate between what and why of the situation.
Like Larry King has said:
โ I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I am going to learn, I must do it by listeningโ
But at time we ourselves create barrier in this process specifically our personal and cultural biases are most harmful because this determines our intrest and acceptance of what is being said and what we hear.
Our perception and ideas creates barrier because that effects our feelings and thoughts, we listen or hear what we feel or assume not what is being said.
We need to be very careful because not so much as physical impairment or language effects our listening,but our ideas perception and thought effects it more.
So how do we overcome these barriers. First and foremost we need to pay attention to what is being said with full concentration and without being biased.
It is always advisable not to interrupt or impose yourself on to the speaker.
Ask questions to understand and paraphrase or summaries your understanding but do not ask questions to contradict.
Pay attention to non verbal clues and also use your own gestures and body language to express that you are listening.
Always acknowledge what you have heard and reflect on it. Listening is an art and it needs practice and hard work as much as anything else in life.
Remember by becoming a good listener you are able to connect with others on more levels and develop stronger and deeper connections.