Published Jun 4, 2021
2 mins read
403 words
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Societal Issues
Self Improvement

Work Hard. Never Leave Hopes And Think Positive.

Published Jun 4, 2021
2 mins read
403 words

Hii, This is my first blog. Let me tell you something about myself. I'm twenty one year's old, finished my graduation studies and now exploring myself .The thing is exploring myself is only the lie, fact is that I'm sitting ideal in my home with my phone. Not getting job because of “Covid 19”. The job opportunities are very low. The covid case has ruined 1 whole year of everyone's life. Starting from children to old aged people. The online school for children, work from home for the working ones, No laughter club for our grandma and pa. It is becoming worse for the poor people. 

2nd wave of covid had brought too much of frustration. After staying 6 to 7 months and even for than that, inside the four walls of our house, the news of 2nd lockdown filled us with despair. Nevertheless, due to covid everything is not ruined, some beautiful things also happened. The bond between our families strengthen. Everyone got to know the importance of our mothers. We explored yourselves with new things. People started to learn cooking, painting, singing, dance, etc. In short this was their “me time”. They have started knowing that hygiene is more important. Some of them started to donate, which helps the poor not fully but still a small help can be very helpful. 

Never forget about the covid warriors. They worked outside when we are staying inside our house. Sometimes they stayed far from their families. Some people had isolated them as they used to go out. This thinking should change. They work for us so please don't isolate them, they too are humans. To everyone who is reading this please take proper care of yourself. Use Mask, Sanitizer and avoid going out without any valid reason because this people are really working hard for us. The doctors, nurses, police, safai karamachari and others are the frontline warriors of this country. We are proud of them.

Coming back to me. I have started learning to play harmonium as my hobby. And took a step, and thought about my career that I'm going to give government job exam. Yes, they are tough but nothing is going to be easy in life. So, Work Hard. Never Leave Hopes and Think Positive. Don't think negative and be depressed. If you are feeling depressed, talk to your friends or family.

13 6/4/21, 6:19 PM
Love the vibes!!
1 6/4/21, 6:19 PM
Can u please read my recent blog? Thanks! Also F4F, only if u can keep up the deal at your end!!
gyanact 6/4/21, 6:52 PM
Hii🙌🙌 Prabha as you can see bloggers💻 are following🏃🏃 and liking each other post because its necessary to grow your following and likes👍 to grow on this website.We will get higher↗point 💰💰for the same amount of views if we move to the upper↗ level.Also, there is no loss to follow others account.Thats why i am following you. So, please follow back me please.You will get my audience too. Also,i will try to like and add✔views👀 on your blogs💻 by reading them if they appear on my home🏠 page. PLEASE SUPPORT🙏 I AM SUPPORTING YOU.
aditi.raut 6/4/21, 7:31 PM
Do check out my blogs
sumitsing 6/5/21, 12:07 AM
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parul.mittal 6/5/21, 12:32 AM
Nice write up... Plzz check out my blogs too...
nanda.nayeli 6/5/21, 2:22 AM
Very well written
sravanthi._79 6/5/21, 2:44 AM
Amazing content pls do check my blog and support
prachiofficial 6/5/21, 3:06 AM
subbu.sudha 6/6/21, 8:19 AM
Very nice message at the's definitely needed at this point..
saloni_jain 6/7/21, 8:32 AM
Amazing write up ❤️💫
tkratika 6/9/21, 4:17 AM
prabha_diaries 6/9/21, 5:18 AM

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