Nature is a very beautiful creation of a wonderful God. Nature gives life to human beings, it gives us various types of medicines or food, water or most important air. This is very important for humans or animals. Torah forest animals, pests, birds, trees, mountains, are found in the forest. Or we have to play a very important part in our life. The human life or the rest of life should also get a good atmosphere. But humans have started to eradicate this nature like big factory or pollution has come out in cities, which is a great problem for animals of nature or for humans themselves.
1. Nature Gives Us Medicines.
It is known to all of us that nature provides us with unlimited things, one of them is medicines or it has been in ancient times in our country India, which our old Vedas or doctors have been made from us, nature cures us. Or even today we use this thing in our life.
2. Nature gives us food.
One of the greatest joys of nature is that it provides us food which helps us to stay alive. Nature gives us different types of food or fruits, green vegetables such as protein or a lot of vitamins that we get to know by eating.
3. Nature gives us water
Nature gives us water with which we run our life or we cannot live without water for 11 days because water rolls a very important part in our life. Nature gives us water in different forms, such as water from rivers or from plants, from coconut water or from small ponds or animals, water is as important for humans as it is for humans.
4.If you keep fruit trees such as plum, peach, or cherry, keep in mind that you know that these types of trees are more susceptible to diseases than any other type. While fruits are delicious, it can be difficult to live with all the distractions that can affect the lives of all those who have ever grown trees of this type of fruit.
The main disease that you may have heard the most about is called "brown rot". It is a fungus that attaches to many leftover fruits after the plowing season ends. Nature gives us everything for life. Not only does it look disgusting on leftover fruit, but it can also make the new fruit inedible (unless you enjoy eating fungus). To avoid this disease, you should cut your trees frequently so that good air circulation can be encouraged. Moisture is the main cause of brown rot. Also, once you have finished harvesting for the season, you should get rid of any fruit left on the tree or on the ground. But we all are can understand we doing harmful activity for nature and nature damage slowly slowly. Please be clean your area do not spread pollution. Because forest, animals, insects, birds, tree all are important in our life.