Like a computer that shows down performance during use, the brain accumulates wear and tear that impairs repair. Dr. Daffner notes that can lead to other physical problems such as inflammation, damage to the blood vessels (especially if you have high BP), abnormal protein buildup and physical brain disorders..
Anxiety or sleep disturbances ( such as sleep apnea) can affect your ability to concentrate. Same with the visible or audible. “You're wasting your resources when you spend too much time trying to understand what is on the page or just listening to what you have to say,”.
Some medications, especially anticholinergics (such as treatment for anxiety, stress or illness), can control your speed and your ability to think clearly.
Too much alcohol impairs thinking and creates sleep disturbances, which impair concentration
We can access information from TV, computers and messages such as SMS or email. “When there are too many things, they burden our filter and the damage is easy,”
Do you need a way to increase your focus? Neuropsychologist Kim Willment of Brigham and Women's Hospital at Harvard Women recommends doing the same job as reading. “Read something for 30 minutes, set a speed timer every 5 minutes. When you're ready, ask yourself if your mind is wandering. If so, look again at what you're reading,”
“By training your brain to detect if your mind is missing, you are developing a focus and the ability to stay focused on work.”
“Careful attention is focused on the present, and true knowledge is being shown to improve the brain in order to focus on intensity in daily life,” says kim Willment, a neurologist at Brigham and Women Hospital. He encourages you to sit still for a few minutes each day, closing your eyes and paying attention to your breathing and the sounds and emotions around you.
Computer training games aim to increase response time by looking at Evidence that these functions are integrated. “The goal of this game does not promote it, but to improve the cognitive experiences of everyday life,” said Willment. "But there is evidence that a person's ability to listen can be improved by pushing a person to higher levels of performance. So, if you get a certain level of focus, it can push it to the next level. Ability to interpret in everyday life.
Many aspects of a healthy lifestyle can help with thinking, starting with sleep and exercising. “There is a direct relationship between fitness and cognitive ability, especially attention span,”
“When you exercise, you increase the availability to brain chemicals that promote new brain coordination, reduce stress and improve sleep quality. And when we do sleep, we reduce stress hormones that can damage the brain and cleanse proteins. This is harmful.”