We invest so much ourselves into bonds and people and when it doesn’t turn out well we end up cowering behind a shell we made in these long years. Walking away from someone in many cases is necessary for the reasons
Staying in those kind of bonds might be a right choice for your heart but not for you, it may break your heart in million pieces but trust me it would bring you the peace you always craved for.
Losing yourself for the sake of your emotional needs is stupidity. I may sound like I know everything in the world but I have been through every single thing and it took me years to be what am I right now, I may not be in chaos right now but am as messy as I can, I actually introduce myself as complicated mess or a human version of tangled earphones (cringe?). I dint found all the peace I need but I can say I am at a better place (I really wish I could have walked away from those bonds) but guess “Came later, Came correct”.
How do you know when to walk away?
Guess we will never know, but the moment you feel any of the former things try talking about those things with the respective person try finding solution don’t walk away instant but don’t sacrifice yourself too much. I really don’t know why I am writing these things but as my pehle vale blogs I am going to write whatever comes to my mind and these are my exact thoughts (Depressive? Nah.)
What to do now?
I will be the last person to suggest someone what to do in such cases why? Cause even I don’t know but I do know one thing holding onto someone won’t bring out the best in you, holding onto yourself will do wonders, am I holding onto myself right now? Nada, I am not, but do I wish to do so? Yes, I wish the very same, we really should be enough for ourselves why? Exactly why do you want someone to make you feel alive? Make you feel mattered? Why can’t you do that yourself.?