From a long time, I was wondering about on what I should write and publish it over my blogging account but wasn't able to find any topic.
I have published just one blog till yet and it's a need to publish timely because I want to grow my this account. I am a Rookie right now and should work to make myself a Seeker and then cross various other upcoming levels to become The Monk. It's not that simple and hence I need the help of all the other bloggers also to reach the goal.
I like this website as it provides various nice features and also helps in making money though it's not much in amount but still it's a very good platform to start and see yourself transforming into a good writer and a blogger. In a way this website is also making all the bloggers to help each other to grow. This means, it's developing a feeling of helping in all of us. No one can reach the highest level without getting help from other bloggers and so he or she should also help others. I like all these intersting features of this website.
I have read some very interesting blogs of several fellow bloggers. There is one blogger who shares stories mostly of romance genre and honestly, I enjoyed reading some of them and then there is another who writes crime-thriller stories which give gooseb-umps while reading. There is one blogger who shares mostly about her personal stories and sometimes beautiful writing works which surprises me for a while. Few shares various intersting facts and few their views over some serious issues.
I have admired various works on this website which have provided me motivation to write something of my own and make others to indulge their minds to read my creations and remember forever.
I am definitely going to try being a constant one on this website but I am not sure about always getting a topic to share with you all. I guess most of you all have faced this issue. It's true that I am new and should have various content but being honest, I don't. I just got to know about this website and shared my first blog and now I am stuck thinking about my next topic's title and confused about the content. But I will write soon and indeed a good one, nothing will just pop out from anywhere. It will be my own but as inspiration can come from anywhere, hence, someone's work will definitely inspire me to write and publish.
Thank you!