I'm not talking about relaxed armchair or even structured classroom learning . I'm talking about resisting the bias against doing new things , scanning the horizon for growth opportunities , and pushing yourself to acquire radically different capabilities . Generally , when we're trying something new and doing badly at it , we think terrible thoughts like I hate this . I'm such an idiot . I'll never get this right. this is so frustrating! That static in our brains leaves little bandwidth for a beginner . When we do want to learn something , we focus on the positive --what we'll gain from learning it-- and envision a happy future in which we're reaping those reward . You want to learn a new skill or you don't ; you have ambition and motivation or you lack them . But great learners can develop to boost all attributes ASPIRATION , CURIOSITY , VULNERABILITY .
“ ASPIRATION ” By aspiration we mean the things children and young people hope to achieve for themselves in the future. To meet their aspirations about careers , university, and further education , students often require good educational outcomes . Raising aspirations is therefore often believed to improved achievement.
1 Interventions that focus on parents and families;
2 Interventions that focus on teaching practice ;
3 Out -of - school interventions or extra-curricular activities , sometimes involving peers or mentors.
“ CURIOSITY ” curiosity is key to learning. In fact , studies show that , When we're curious about a subject , We are much more likely to remember information we learned about that subject .
curiosity is a fuel . It propels us to try to figure things out and , ultimately , to learn . But that fuel doesn't always need to burn hot, with excited questions and bold experimentation. Curiosity can remain active even when we're more passive.
1 . Curiosity is more important than knowledge .
2 . curiosity makes learning more effective and enjoyable.
3 . Curiosity prepares the brain for learning .
“ VULNERABILITY ” vulnerability is a powerful, emotional , and at times , uncomfortable journey , led by both self -exploration and genuine to discover often uncharted territories.
. vulnerability is the essential root of the thinker and learner , And it starts by challenging yourself to be courageous.
When people are encouraged to expect mistake and learn from them early in the process of acquiring new skills , the result is heightened interest , persistence , and better performance.
The ability to acquire new skills and knowledge quickly and continually is crucial to success in a world of rapid change . If you don't currently have the aspiration , self-awareness , curiosity , and vulnerability to be an effective learner , these simple tools can help you get there.