We are made up of both matter and spirit. This means that our
skin is much more than just a visible outer layer, one that is full
of life and activity. It is an organ like any other part of our body
and it needs to be kept healthy and nourished.
However, beauty is an inner experience. As it is said that beauty
lies in the heart of every person and it shines in the form of
radiance on the face of every person. The definition of beauty is
beyond the skin, but still our skin The most expressive of
Modern day beauty treatments only fulfill a physical need, but
they do not reveal the secret that makes each and every cell of
your skin glow and fill with energy and radiance.
Common causes of skin problems are age, stress, unhealthy
lifestyle, such as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, wrong food
habits, hormonal changes in the body and poor digestion. There
are many natural beauty remedies for glowing skin, which also
help in cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. Here is a list of best
remedies to get healthy and glowing skin.
Home remedies:-
1. Sweat
running, jogging and brisk walking
Sweating is considered good for healthy skin. Take a shower
with cold water after doing your abhyasa, as this will cleanse
your skin as well.
2. yoga practice
If you have practiced Adho mukha Svanasana, then you must
have noticed that while doing this asana, your attention
slowly comes to the breath.
Every time, when you exhale, a lot of toxins are released
from the body. In the conscious process of yoga and
breathing, your body is purified. This leaves your skin
refreshed and energized. This helps in maintaining the glow
of the skin.
3. follow a weekly routine
A gentle oil massage on the face also works wonders.
According to the nature of your skin, you can choose
Narayana oil. Mustard, coconut, almond
are very good nutrients, which help in getting
glowing skin.
4. Meditate daily
A candle spreads light. Meditation indicates how much light
is there in the candle burning within you. The more you
meditate, the more you shine. We often see artists create an
aura behind the meditators. This fantasy is not fabricated.
this is true. Meditators glow from both inside and out.....so
they don't need to wear makeup.
5. Silence is best
How do you feel when you talk too much for a long time?
Often all your energy is spent. Talking incessantly can be
enjoyable, but it fills your body and mind with nonsense. A lot of energy is conserved through silence.
6. Protect your mind
If you're sad, angry or frustrated, your face doesn't look
good. So make sure that you earn peace and happiness for
the mind, which no one can disturb.
To look beautiful means to look young and to have a fresh
perspective on events. But the secret is that if you feel
young, you look young.