Today we need to improve the situation but this crisis is not about to satisfy our needs in several sectors such as agriculture, industry and in Domestic use water is wasted in large amount, According to reports every Indian waste 45 liters of water every day well it could be more then that well this wastage could be prevented if we take measures such as Closing Tap Properly, Take a shower 5 Minutes or Less, Avoid using pipes for watering Plants accept these there could be measures could be taken for conserving water, In our daily life, we face the problem of leaking tap it will find shocking to you due to this leakage 4000 drops which make equal to one liter is wasted in every day in our country. A research shown that human being required only 2% of water available on our earth accept this human being still not able to fulfill it’s need , Accept that we don’t have any to conserve ground water , In 2019 in Barailly Bhu Jal Sena a city based NGO celebrated a ground water week from July 16 to 22 in which more then 400 students of different schools and collages were participated for which awards were presented by divisional Commissioner Ranvir Prasad basically students were awarded for encouraging methods such as installing roof top rain harvesting system in building, Conserve water and stop using plastic such kind of steps are necessary if we want a better future because of these kind of steps government is able to achieve the desire results but still there is long way to go accept this government is also organizing water Campaigns the aim of such campaigns is to spread awareness on water conservation in rural areas with the help of this campaign a total development of more then 250 district of more then 20 blocks were supported Accept this Government also started clean Ganga mission with the budget of around 30000 crore was sanctioned under this program inicetives such as cleaning and maintainence of river Ganga was the major objective under this mission steps such as Public Awareness, Bio Diversity and several other steps were taken , There were came forward to support India in this mission , At the end I would only like water is most precious gift of god to human being and by polluting in we are not just teasing nature but also putting a question mark on human future ,