A salad is a dish consisting of mixed veggies with atleast one raw ingredient , it is typically dressed and is often served at room temperature. A salad can be composed salad or tossed salad.
A green salad is most often composed of leafy veggies such as spinach, basil, mint leaves. If a large part contains non green veggies it is vegetable salad. The most commonly used raw vegetables in the salad are cucumber, pepper, onion, carrots, mushrooms, olives, avacado etc. The other type of salad is the fruit salad which is made up of fruits that may be canned like fruit cocktail. Salads are a great source of natural fibres and it protects our heart from diseases. Nutrients in salad helps to synthesize collagen , provide natural sun protective effects, protects the skin against wrinkling and sagging. Salads can improve dark under eyes and makes the skin more smoother
There is nothing like the fresh tomato salad in summers!! A great antipasto bite to start your meal with. This is a combination of juicy tomatoes with mozzarella cheese that is topped with freshly prepared pesto sauce.
This salad is very healthy and is very easy to prepare and very tasty. This salad contains a variety of minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Potassium and iron. One tomato can serve around 40% of daily vitamin C recommendation. On the other hand vitamin A is helpful in improving vision and protecting against lung cancer. Hope you enjoy this super tasty and super easy dish