Welcome or welcome back my dear bloggers to my daily blogs. I hope you all are having a blast of a day and are in good health.
Today we will be talking a bit about norse mythology. Now you may know some norse gods like Thor, the god of thunder and Loki god of mischief. And also Thor's father Odin, the god of the 9 realms.
After creating the whole world, Odin went on to reign over the world from his throne in Asgard. Odin was a very wise and deserving king and god. But he was fully aware of the fact that he does not know everything, despite being the God. So he went on a search of knowledge and disguised himself as a wanderer. He walked through Yottenheim, the land of Giants who were the enemies of the gods. In this place, lived Mimir, a very ancient deity and his own uncle. He lived near the “ well of Knowledge”, from which the water was feeding Igdrozel, the tree of worlds. Mimer drank the sacred water and his knowledge increased. So he went there and said “ I'm the lord of the gods but how can i be worthy of my title without true wisdom.”
Mimer replied" being a god does not give you the rights to drink from my well, there is a much higher price to it."
"The price is your eye. Pluck it out and throw it into the well." Odin, without flinching did what was necessary for him to be worthy of his throne. As he was in tremendous pain, his screams echoed the world. And by this Mimir was satisfied and thought that he deserves to drink the sacred water. Mimer, then gave him the horn with the water from his well and asked Odin to drink it all.
After drinking all the contents of the water, the lord Odin was filled with knowledge. A large scar came on the place where his eye had previously been and it sometimes emitted a glowing bright light. And by this, odin was known as the one eyed man or the one with the flaming eye.
Even with his one eye gone, odin began to see the whole world much more clearly. With only one eye, he could see better than when he had two.
So that was all for this blog. I hope you all enjoyed it.
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