A puppy is a juvenile dog. The puppy means that was born and it age is below 2 years or may 3 years was called an puppy.
Some of them puppy are weight 800 grams to 1.5kg . All puppy are grow quickely with in 7 months. A puppy color may change with their genes and their environment. some of the puppys are live in road with do not proper guide.
Rich people has an pet animal not an attraction it is their pride and attitude some rich people are have dog as pet animal or cat or some domestic animals . some rich people are has an Tiger or Lion as the pet animal this may cannot believe but it is true and it is happened and happening. The government also approve for that. If your are exited the another one shocking NEWS is in below paragraph.
That is some are getting more attract and get closer That RELATION is gone for marriage and YEAH!!! It happens.. some are depressed so they are growing the PET at get more attached and play like a friend and share their love and it gone for something else….
Some of pet are some times may bite it is not usual because there teeth are so poison so you have to consulate the doctor they advice TT(tetanus vaccine) injection it is used for the defend the animal virus. It is safety precaution In adult are may take 5 doses. Because the virus make the severe condition of health. If dog bite it may change your cells and regenerate to dog cell if it virus affected to you that why the doctor use tetanus vaccine. It also may severe case and some are die with virus affected. If you take an tetanus vaccine suppose do not eat non veg it was danger to health and heart and so on. The doctor give more instruction for that you must be obey that for your health conditions.
Puppy also interact with human it is affect with human that also observe our activity it is normal and they remember for huge years because puppy are easy attached to humans. Just born puppy didn't eat food it only drinks the milk is easy to drink because their teeth are not comfort to comfort zone for a couple of days they didn't open their eyes and sleep for more hours upto 18 hours it is usually happened for all pets because they get early tired.