Published Jul 23, 2022
3 mins read
534 words
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What Are The Mistakes We Do In Relationship

Published Jul 23, 2022
3 mins read
534 words

Hello everyone! In this blog is about mistakes do in relationship…. 

We expect too much out of others:

When we expect something from someone else, we fail to realize that people are just human beings; they have faults and imperfections just like we do. When we demand perfection out of those around us, it's a recipe for disappointment. Instead of expecting the best from our partners, let's focus on being happy for each other's successes. Let's give our partners the benefit of the doubt instead of criticizing them when things go wrong. Remember, everyone makes mistakes, but some people forgive quicker than others.

We hold grudges:

One thing we often overlook is that forgiveness is a choice. When we hold onto negative feelings about another person, we aren't letting go of anger or resentment. Holding onto these emotions prevents us from forgiving completely. Every time we feel angry toward another person, we should find a way to release that emotion without carrying it over to the next day.If we can't let go of these negative feelings, it means we still haven't forgiven the person.

We assume that others need to change first before we can be happy:

We believe that if someone changes their behavior, things will work out. But, this isn't true. We cannot make anyone else happy unless we want to be happy ourselves. Happiness comes from within us and our own actions. You can only make yourself happy.

We want perfection in everything:

We always expect others to be perfect. If anything goes wrong, we start complaining because we're not perfect either. Remember though, nobody is perfect and even the best person has faults. Everyone makes mistakes and we should never feel bad about them because we are human.

We don't tell the truth:

This point might seem obvious, but we rarely speak our minds. When we avoid telling the truth, our relationships suffer. We lie to protect ourselves and those we love. Not only does lying hurt our relationships, but it hurts us too. We end up feeling guilty and ashamed when we lie. By avoiding the truth and being deceitful, we lose the trust of those we care about.

We don't listen:

If we want to stay connected to others, we have to pay attention to them. The same goes for our partners. You can't force someone to talk to you, but you can help them open up to you by listening intently. Listen to them and encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings. Show interest in their opinions and thoughts. By paying attention to our partners, we show them that we're interested in them and we allow them to confide in us.

We take every word personally:

If someone says something negative about us, we take it as a personal attack. We take every criticism as a threat. We think that they are saying horrible things about us and we don't understand why they would do that. Sometimes, we are just misunderstood and we don't realize that we're being unfair. If we knew the facts, we'd probably understand where they're coming from.We shouldn't take what others say about us personally.

Thank you….. 

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