Published Nov 10, 2021
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How To Win People's Hearts

Published Nov 10, 2021
5 mins read
930 words

How To Win People's Hearts: Simple Ways to Make Yourself More Likable

One of the best ways to win people’s hearts is to make yourself likable. Everybody wants to be liked and valued, and people who demonstrate this quality will almost always experience success and personal fulfillment. This article is going to give you simple, simple tips on how to be likable.

Be Kind

The very first thing you need to do to be more likable is to be kind. You need to be polite, open, honest, humble and all those other generic human qualities. To really get to the heart of being likable you’re going to need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture and think about the ways in which you can demonstrate your human qualities.

I see in my own life that a lack of empathy is what hurts people. When I wasn’t kind, I saw people as objects to be used for my needs. My behavior became colder, more distant and removed. When I learned to understand my empathy, which helps me connect with others, I started feeling the joy of friendship.

Show a Warmth in Your Voices and Person

Your voice is a window to your character. Your voice carries your personality.

Be Helpful

A simple, no-effort tip is to be helpful. There’s nothing quite as engaging as a person who goes out of their way to make sure that their words and actions are constructive and beneficial to everyone involved. An excellent way to make yourself more likable is to consider your words and actions. If you’re a good listener, chances are that you’ll be more likely to be liked and valued by others.

Say Please And Thank You

In many of the social situations in which we find ourselves, it’s likely that we are asked to participate. By saying “thank you,” you are being more polite and considerate, and people are more likely to feel compelled to say something positive about you. It’s a simple way to be more likable and achieve great results.

Be Interesting

Make people laugh. It’s the most simple but profound trick in the book. Think about when you like someone – what do you like about them? For the most part it’s probably the small things they do that make you want to hang out with them more.

Make Friends

Make sure you have meaningful relationships. You’re not just going to make people like you because you’re cool. You want to make sure that you’re useful to other people, so make friends that you can benefit from having in your life. Make sure you like the things they like. Ask them for advice and support when you need it.

Be Honest

Honesty is a thing that a lot of people aren’t very good at. Make sure that you tell the truth to others and to yourself. Otherwise you won’t be able to get very far. Being dishonest will make you unlikable.

Be Funny

Humor has a very significant impact on people’s ability to like you. Humor involves a combination of rhythm, rhythm and timing. The greatest comedians have mastered this skill. The best humor is neither “just funny” nor “crystal clear” humor. Instead, it has a rhythm that matches the words being said and the faces being made.

For example, if you say the word “socks” in a certain way, you’ll be funny. If you say it in a different way, you’ll be dull. The beat of your voice should match the rhythm of your words to keep your audience in rhythm with you.

Lighten the mood with an unexpected comment. For example, you can say, “My life is going to get a lot better when you two stop fighting!”

Give a Friendly Compliment

The best compliments are sincere and well-delivered.

Be Yourself

It’s always good to be yourself. Of course, you want to stay true to yourself and make sure that you’re not repeating yourself, but in many cases, it’s better to keep your true personality on the inside, and only put on a front to cover up your flaws and deficiencies. By keeping your true personality on the inside, you’ll avoid much of the negativity and criticism that tends to accompany such self-centered behaviors.

Don’t Overdo It

When you want to be likable, you’ll want to keep it in check. Too much effort on your part will get you no credit at all. In this sense, the less you think about being likable, the better. What people are looking for in a relationship is someone who isn’t overly possessive or needy.


There’s no doubt that being likable is very important, but what’s the best way to do that? Likability requires making small but significant improvements that will have a big impact. Likable people generally lead with their brains and be nice, but never seem needy or insecure. Those with humble, grounded personalities are always a good match for leaders.

The right way to be likable is to make small, incremental changes to your behavior and your actions every single day, in order to have a larger and more lasting impact. The biggest things that you can do are to stop being selfish and thinking only about yourself and be nice to everyone. That’s it!

Keep it simple and work on these small, simple things and the rest will take care of itself.

harikatammina 11/10/21, 4:05 PM
Good one Do read mine too
thulasiram.ravi 11/11/21, 2:06 AM
Nicely written. Read mine too. Follow me for a definite follow back
manisha_rajbhar 11/11/21, 12:24 PM
inspirational post , you could make subtitles bold for great connection ,still it's valuable.🤩
ambz 9/28/22, 6:38 PM

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