Published Jul 11, 2021
2 mins read
420 words
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Are We Giving Invitation To The Third Wave Of Corona?

Published Jul 11, 2021
2 mins read
420 words

Since the outbreak of Corona in March 2020, we have seen two deadly waves of it. Only if I talk about India, more than 30 million people got infected and almost 3 lakhs of people lost their lives.

Despite the country being locked for almost 4 months in 2020, the covid-19 spread all over the country. People lost their jobs, the people with small businesses lost their means of livelihood, students were forced to stay at home and access e - learning. We also lost too many doctors, nurses and frontline corona warriors.

Everything looked to be fine during the winter but again Corona introduced its second wave in early April this year and again we were forced for lockdown. Same results were shown this time too but this time it was very dangerous with covid cases registering over 3 lakh positive cases and over 4000 deaths in a single day.  We faced many problems along to like the supply of oxygen cylinders and its availability, the availability of beds for covid patients the last rites of casualties and managing other aspects of our country.

If we have a look at present times, yes the positive cases and deaths are under control but the the scenario that we are seeing  seems to be inviting the third wave of coronavirus which is said to be even more dangerous.

With maximum of the hotels, parks, restaurants, work places, malls, movie theatres and many other institutions opened, we are seeing that people are becoming more careless which is a sign of worry for everybody. They are behaving as if coronavirus has not come to our country ever. They are just breaking all the safety norms, no social distancing, no use of masks and sanitizers in public places. People are gathering at public places in huge number which are not good signs and if the same continues the  third wave of Corona is not far away.

Why? Have we defeated Corona?With the slow pace of vaccination, we are creating a threat for ourselves. Our government should take immediate actions to vaccinate more and more people as soon as possible.

Our govt. should make it clear that everything is not opened as it was before because people are not caring for it. They are just enjoying all the liberties given by the govt. It's the duty of every citizen to look after it and follow all the safety norms so that everyone is safe and we eliminate this virus as soon as possible.

nupur.bhayana 7/11/21, 5:11 PM
Do read mine as well
shraddha46 7/11/21, 5:15 PM
Well written.
_selenophile_ 7/11/21, 5:20 PM
Nicely written
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shradhapatil360 7/11/21, 5:53 PM
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_ritu.kumari 7/12/21, 3:26 AM
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