It is your personal choice. You can worship any god you want, however you want. All the nights go to the same place if followed with devotion. Call water as neer, call it water, call it water, if it remains then only one thing. In the same way, the names of God can also be different, but they are the same. Do not waste time in these things that which God is there, which religion is there, which is the worship or method of worship? You go your own way on your own path, just as you have the right to choose anyone else. When you listen to any thing, try it, it will surely increase your faith, otherwise worship will just become a monotonous affair.
If you ask me, I say at least 2 hours a day, I sit in meditation for an hour and an hour while doing any work like watching TV or working on computer. Whenever your mouth is empty, chant from inside, don't pretend at all, just chant inside silently. While walking, working, when every name is on the lips, then you will not only get the work done, as well as you will also get the real knowledge of life. The negativity will be completely gone, bad thoughts will not come and even if it ever comes, your believers will not be able to stay for very long. Your self-confidence will increase from inside, you will be able to say "no" to wrong things, you will not be affected by any kind of sin, you will be able to maintain your morality even after leaving bad company. Slowly you will see the bad habit inside you and then you will also be able to give up. You will stop judging people, stop prejudging, you will get control over your mind and the mood will become such that real happiness will start to be experienced.
If you want, you can also make any gulp which will guide you in the dimension. If you climb on the cloth, you can easily reach Pune from Mumbai in 3-4 hours. But if we hold Guru's hand and walk gracefully on the path shown by him, imagine how easily he can get you across the ocean of happiness, solution and unbroken Anandapoo.
Those people are very fortunate, who have the same quality in their life.
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