Has anyone ever tried to commit suicide and nearly succeeded? What went wrong that you failed?
In order to answer i took a look at the other questions you have asked in order to get an idea of the whys (so i guess it’s because you got cheated over)
Sometime things can go really bad and our thoughts can get crazy, from what i’ve read, it’s a situation you don’t have control over. It’s lame that your husband cheated on you and it’s not something light, trust is something important and love is, just like trust really powerful.
Sometimes things are hard but that does not means that everything is gonna get worse, sometimes you need to take all the lights out in order to see that the stars shine bright, sometimes there is something so overwhelming that it fades out what you could see.
You are in your right if you want to leave your husband, you can’t control your husband’s actions and it’s also maybe a good thing.
There is nothing wrong with divorcing, it’s gonna be painful because this puts an end to a relationship but then what would happened if you stay ? If you can’t
I can’t promise you that things are gonna be easy
Neither i can tell you that you are gonna get better tomorrow
I’m just someone who answers to a question online right now
We are all humans, we all have weakness, fears and can sometime be depressed, life is full of good things, and when you can’t reach them, it’s either because you can’t see them or you are not where you need to be.
There is no shame in feeling lost, neither there is for feeling sad. This is a time when you can decide on what’s next.
At the end, you can’t control anything except your own decisions, and sometimes you get really bad things in your life but at the end, it’s just like a stair, when you get over it, you will get somewhere else
Find the reasons you have to cling on life, if you don’t have, then you have something worth to fight for, it’s not gonna be easy but you can do it !
Do you have any dreams ? Is there something you would like to do ? Don’t you have any projects that moved you and made you wish for something ?
I hope this can be helpful and i hope you recover well, there is no shame in calling for help and your life is precious because every human being is unique and valuable, therefore you too are unique and valuable, don’t let darkness take out what you could bring to your world !