The story revolves around Bhaskar Mani (Mysskin), an adult who has spent the majority of his life in a mental institution, and Akhilesh (Ashwath Ram), a schoolboy. They both had one thing in common: they were removed from their moms at a young age. Both want to meet their mother, but for very different reasons. One only wants to tell her how much he misses her, while the other wants to know why his mother abandoned him. Destiny links them together, and they embark on a journey, clutching each other and looking for their mothers.
'Success is a journey, not a destination,' as the adage goes. Bhaskar Mani and Akhilesh's journey is more about what they go through, what they encounter, and what they learn than where they finish up. They begin with the hope that the destination will change their life, that it will provide an outlet for long-held feelings, but it is the voyage that transforms them. One can only envision a man in a mental institution and a schoolboy walking around without knowing the brutality and cleverness of the world around them. They are damaged and bruised as a result of the process, but they are transformed. And it's not just them who are changed. Their innocence and devotion transform others along the road. They establish friends, not backslapping buddies, but people who understand and share their anguish. And in the end, they emerge better, not more street smart, cunning, or worldly, but as people who have accepted what life has to give. In a nutshell, that is Nandalala.
Mysskin has played the character of Bhaskar Mani. We entirely forget that this is the same man who wrote and directed the film while viewing it. With his performance, he both convinces and astounds you. Nobody could have predicted that this filmmaker has such a gifted performer. You must see for yourself. Ashwath Ram has efficiently bore the weight placed on his fragile shoulders. Snigdha does admirably in her first performance-oriented part. Other actors, such as Nasser and Rohini, had brief appearances. But it is unmistakably Mysskin and Ashwath Ram who steal the show.
All in all, the words above are insufficient to describe the essence of Nandalala, which is simplicity and pure love and affection untainted by the wariness of the big terrible world. We've seen fun films, action thrillers, sentimental dramas, comedies, and so on...but Nandalala defies genres and even language barriers. Nandalala appears to be in that league of films from faraway and obscure regions of the world that enchant people all around the world. Mysskin has risen to a level of prominence in Tamil cinema that few others have. It's a heartfelt labor of love from the director. Let us rise and applaud.