My vlog is Bacteremia,fungemia, and viremia are States in which bacteria,fungi, and viruses, respectively,circulate through the vascular system sign and symptoms of bacteremia
Sign and symptoms
Sign and symptoms may be present,but are not invariable.If the patient is not aware of the circulating microbes, the condition is termed silent or subclinical.In contrast, septicemia is a clinical syndrome characterized by fever ,chill,malaise, tachycardia, hyperventilation and toxicity or prostration.Septicemia result when circulating bacteria multiply at a rate that exceeds their removal by phagocytes.The symptoms are produced by inflammatory cells.Mow appear that the immuno stimulation of cytokines is followed by a series of important immuno suppressive.Failure of multiple organs is an important component of fatal sepsis,but the pathogenic mechanism that Lead to death remain unclear.
Sepsis is traditionally associated with gram negative bacteria, which contains endotoxin.It is now well appreciated, however, that gram positive bacteria can also Cause the sepsis syndrome.types of bacteria are:
Types of bacteremia
Bacteremia may be transient, intermittent,or continuous reflecting several mechanism by which bacteria enter the blood stream.Transient bacteremia occur when organisms often members of normal flora are introduced in to the blood by minimal trauma and membrane.Intermittent bacteremia when bacteria from infected site periodically released in to the blood from extra vascular abcesses, spreading cellulitis or infections of body cavity such as empyema peritonitis or septic arthirithis.
Continuous bacteremia Continuous bacteremia usually occurs when the infection is intra vascular such as infected endothelium or infected hardware.The source of organisms may not be detected.however in up to one third of bacteremia.
Bacteremia may result from an infection in an organ or tissue.often however the primary site is not evident.In this situation it is possible that a transient bacteremia was not effectively cleared by host defence mechanism.At least in the case of staphylococcus aureus it appears that colonizing bacteria in the nose may be source of the systemic infection.The factor that triggers dissemination from the anterior nares remain un clear but spread to the skin and subsequent of wound intravascular device is one possibility.When an infection in an organ spill over into the blood the severity of the infection is often increase and the prognosis for the patient worsened.conversely bacteremia can result in disseminated infection in distinct termed as metastatic infection.thank you