Ever thought of the fact how this world/universe was created. Many would rather think this was by humans and for humans. If you are one among those who have the same thought, think twice.
Why does the landslides happen?
Why does the earthquakes happen?
Why does flood and famine happen ?
Why does every other pandemic happen?
Well, all of these might not directly relate to actions by humans, but yes majority of these happening are consequences of actions by human beings for their only well being. Some of known examples being, pollution, deforestation, contaminating sea waters, dumping plastics and the list goes on..
Largely, these actions might not directly link to an individual or a family, but yes these are indeed results of individual carelessness or selfishness.
Throwing used plastic bottle, chocolate papers, food packets, cutting plant samplings, pumping excess waters, drilling higher grounds, etc., are few examples one could think of when comes to polluting environment directly or indirectly.
One should be self aware of the consequences these brings not only to the human beings but also other living/non living things in this world as this earth is not meant to be for us alone, it has millions of other creatures viz., plants, trees, birds, animals, etc.,
After all, earth is a shelter not only for humans and we don’t own it..
Now, talking about consequence is much easier than trying to put forth suggestions to slowly bring in changes, so that earth could be a better place to live. Listed some of the few which struck my mind while writing this blog, do comment if you think of more ideas which can bring in changes..
After all, earth is a shelter not only for humans and we don’t own it..