Hello family. How are you all? First of all I want to thank you, each one of you who followed me & also read, likes and comment on my posts regularly. It feels great to have people who regularly looks up to you. My name is Vibhu and in today's blog post I am going to share an interesting topic about the Hormone Testosterone. Yes, I know some of you might have heard about it, some might also know about it very well but some of you still need an introduction with it. Don't worry I will start with the basics. So let's dive into this topic.
These are the special groups of chemicals that are released in our body in little amounts but creates a deep and stronger metabolic effects on us.
Testosterone is also a hormone or rather I say it is a male sex hormone released from the male reproductive glands known as Testis.
Primarily testosterone is responsible for the production of male gametes that is sperms. But additionally it also serves some important functions as :
Necessary Evil means something that is important for you but also can cause damage to yourself. Likewise, Testosterone is also such a hormone responsible for the male sexual activity and reproduction. And we all know that reproduction is one of the basic feature, (although not defining) of living organisms and ofcourse of humans too. So without it a proper reproductive machinery would not function. But tere are some drawbacks associated with it which if not controlled can cause harm as well. They are :
Although all these conditions are rare in an individual male but if studied in a population, it is seen at a larger scale.
That's all for today's post. Do like it if you find this information useful and also comment your thoughts on it.
I will see you in the next post. Till then take care of yourself and your family.
Thanks a ton.