Published Jun 21, 2023
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"The Evolution And Significance Of The International Yoga Day: A Journey Of Harmony And Well-being"

Published Jun 21, 2023
2 mins read
415 words
International Yoga Day: Outstanding Yogasanas You Should Perform Daily For  Overall Wellbeing


International Yoga Day is celebrated annually on June 21st and has its roots in ancient Indian traditions. 

Here is a brief history of how the International Yoga Day came into existence: 

1. Ancient Origins: Yoga is an ancient physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. It has been an integral part of Indian culture and philosophy, with various yogic practices being developed and passed down through generations. 

2. Proposal at the United Nations: The idea of declaring an International Yoga Day was first proposed by Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly on September 27, 2014. He suggested June 21st as the date for the celebration, as it is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. 

3. UN General Assembly Resolution: Following Prime Minister Modi's proposal, the Indian government introduced a resolution in the United Nations General Assembly, seeking the adoption of an International Yoga Day. The resolution received overwhelming support from UN member states, and on December 11, 2014, the UN General Assembly declared June 21st as the International Day of Yoga. 

4. First International Yoga Day: The inaugural International Yoga Day was celebrated on June 21, 2015. The main event took place in the Indian capital, New Delhi, where Prime Minister Modi led a mass yoga demonstration with over 35,000 participants, including dignitaries from various countries. 

5. Global Recognition and Celebrations: Since its inception, the International Yoga Day has gained significant global recognition and participation. It is celebrated in various countries around the world, with yoga enthusiasts, practitioners, and organizations organizing events, workshops, and demonstrations to promote the practice of yoga and its health benefits. 

6. United Nations Observance: The United Nations has been actively involved in promoting and observing International Yoga Day. Each year, the UN organizes a special event at its headquarters in New York, featuring yoga sessions, speeches, and cultural performances to commemorate the occasion. 

7. Theme-based Celebrations: Every year, International Yoga Day is celebrated with a specific theme that focuses on various aspects of yoga and its relevance to society. These themes aim to highlight the transformative power of yoga and its positive impact on physical and mental well-being. 

International Yoga Day serves as a global platform to raise awareness about the benefits of yoga, promote holistic health, and foster a sense of unity and harmony among individuals and communities worldwide. 

International Day of Yoga 2022 celebrates on 21st June_50.1

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