Hello there! This is my first post ever. Since I am a cat lover,I thought I ll start with writing about cats .
Cats are the best companions anyone could ask for. Earlier , cats were considered the choice of pets for ladies living alone. But recently most of the people are adopting cats. Cats can really make a difference in your life.
[Fact : Egyptians used to worship cats].
So here is the list why you should consider having a cat in your house even if you do not call yourself a "cat person".
Felines are the best cuddle buddies. No matter where you are or what you are doing, they always snuggle in for a little cuddle. You are never alone, if you have a cat.
This seems unbelievable, but it's true. Science and study has proven that people who own cats have 30% chance of escaping a stroke or other heart problems.
This could be an interesting thing for all the men reading this. If you have a hard time attracting women, cats are the answer. Women feel men who own cats are nicer than the men who own dogs , a survey says.
This can be the best reason why you should have a cat. The smell of cats itself, can keep the rodents away.
Scientists say that, if you spend 15 to 20 minutes with a cat, your mood will be boosted for the entire day. It increases the serotonin levels ,also called as happy chemical.
Felines have the greatest ability of grooming themselves. They take pretty good care of themselves. They do not require as much cleaning as dogs. All you need to do for a cat is show some love and care, that's all.
Pets make you feel guilty about leaving them and going to work. But it's not the same in case of cats. They like the house for themselves. Also cats sleep for 15 hours a day, so you don't have to worry about leaving them alone.
Cats consume less amount of meat compared to dogs. They are also often seen cleaning up after their "business" is done.
A survey has proven that cat owners are more intelligent than dog owners. So if you are thinking of owning a pet, consider a cat.
Cats are said to keep away the negative energy. People who own cats tend to have lesser health issues as compared to the people who do not own cats.
These were the few reasons why you should consider having a cat as a pet. It does make a lot of difference in your life. So, next time you think of adopting a pet, do prefer cats.
Do you think I have missed any of the benefits? Let me know in the comment section below. Please share this post if you find it interesting.