Entertainment what does it literally mean - it just that to oop out all the situations we are facing in over life for some time and just be tenssion free and forget every thing else in short small snap from the current situation right.
But know a days this entairtainment has taken to different level, it true right just to increase the business we are showing or doing any thing with out taking a look is there any content or motive is there or not which has to be show case , it not that every entertainment show or flim or artist are the same there are some with real talent too both in earlyer eras and now too.
How should be the ideal entaitenment show would be like which we can see with over whole family and enjoy and can spend some leisure time with them which we can remember in over up coming days and also can tell about over children's too .
With this destructive content the mind set up of our childrens is taking or moving in negative direction which gradually leading to criminal acts, and then every one will asked the same question why this society is becoming waste and waste day by day like if we want a tree needs to be strong enough to stay long it should be stronger from inside in order to do so ,one more example like of hair if you want it to be strong you should treat them from inside like waise if we want our society to be perfect and with out criminals acts first we need to clean there thoughts which will arrise due to this type of entaitanment acts .
As we know and we can see this entirtenment platform is more effective as it reaches every corner of the world it can make a difference if it is used properly .
Not all entaitenment acts are the same i saw many motivational and diffrence making acts now a days that also are made this type are mostly are seen in tamil and telugu movies and hindi to there will be point based thoughts and movies which we can see and suggest it to other to take a look at that thing .
I am not against watching flims and enjoing over life but i am saying just that there should be a boundary in every aspect ,not to push back us but for our benefits porpose pushing our limitation is good but when we stretch a band more than its capacity it lead to destraction right in the same way we can do any thing that we want but they should be a limite to evey thing .
That all i want to say about it if u like this content like ths block and follow me .thank you for reading and stay home stay safe . Have a nice day๐