Life is one of the greatest gift by god don't ruin it or spoil it negative people because you are the one who is responsible for your life
live like king you are the hero for your life no one can live your life except you never ever compromise your needs for others because others life's are very simple we think but we don't know how much pain they are going through better live life happily without any disturbances with others if you feel disturbed take leave and go for tours that to single so that you can enjoy and never ever depend on any others and one of the main important thing is never ever except anything from others you are the hero for your life
but for some extend you need some one to share your feeling sharing your difficulties with others have 2 types of effects
better not to make your life uneasy understand others feeling love them unconditionally so that you may not find any reasons to hate them
If you really feel so and so person is really bad better to avoid him and ever never talk bad about those person in back side it may lead to more differences to accept them as like that and try to understand them
if you feel anyone is degrading or defaming you better to cut the relationship as soon as possible with them
god given this beautiful life to live not to make enemies or some thing else try to avoid negative persons from your friends list
that can make life very easy and happy never ever trust fake friends trusting them leads to other problems its better to avoid them also
so better to live life happily rather than making it complicated