Published Apr 25, 2021
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Face Packs Wet Ingredients For Dry Skin, Irritated And Mature Skin And How To Hydrate Your Skin

Published Apr 25, 2021
2 mins read
424 words

ROSE WATER:- Rose water is a good tonner for dry skin as well as it gives a mild tonic effect to skin by maintaining pH level. It increases action of basic mask items and gives mask a nice smell and this is suitable for normal , sensitive and dry skin.                    OLIVE OIL:- A heavy oil with softening, non-stimulating effect on skin. Enriches and nourishes the skin and absorbs the burning ultraviolet rays of the sun. This is suitable for dry mature skin.           ALMOND OIL:- A fine oil with a softening, slightly stimulating effect on skin. Refines and moisturizes the skin. It’s a good source of vit D. This is suitable for dry, irritated skin.                                                               GLYCERIN:- It produces a moisturising effect.It is humectant for dehydrated skin, dry skin.       GOAT MILK:- Goat milk can work wonders for dry skin. It contains specific fats that work to nourish skin without irritating it. These fats are necessary for your skin‘s health and work to lock moisture while protecting your skin barrier from harmful environmental annoyance.     AVOCADO:- The creamy richness of avocado works well to soothe dry skin. just take half an avocado and mixing it with olive oil. If your skin is very dry, add a tablespoon of honey too. Apply the mask and leave on for 15-20 minutes and after you have removed the mask.   COCONUT OIL:- coconut oil isn’t just useful in kitchen we use it as a moisturizing cream.                       MILK:- It has naturally inflammatory propertie, and contains lactic acid. Good for dry skin. Apply milk compresses to your skin for 5-10 minutes.                                                        HOW TO HYDRATED YOUR SKIN                  1.Drink an adequate amount of water. The first step to hydrating your skin is hudrating your body.                           2.Use hydrating skincare products.           3.Avoid very hot and long showers.           4.Use face masks/ sheets.                  5.Use sunscreen.                                                6.Eat foods Rich in water.                              7. Use a humidifier.                             8. Add sweet potatos, walnuts, tomatoe, red or yellow ball pepper, sunflower seeds in your diet.               9. Aim for at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.                                   10. Ditch the harsh cleansers and exfolitants and switch to more gentle, hydrated products.                 11. Eats fruit daily like oranges, daily vitamin c intake is mandatory for glowing skin. use can also eat papaya , it is a naturally moisturising agent that helps your skin hydrated  and soft when used topically.                                                   12. Vitamine D,C and fish oil is also good for dry skin.                                13. Apply moisturiser after washing your face.

tkratika 4/25/21, 2:59 PM
Informative article! Thanks for sharing.
yoge123 6/22/21, 9:44 AM
Wow.... Good article! F o l l o w for f o l l o w back.

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