Natural Disasters And Their Management - 3
Hey everyone! I am again continuing the previous blog. Here we will get to know about a few more disaster management strategies.
Flood management has two dimensions :
A) Flood control measures.
B) rescue and relief operations.
There are following flood control measures :
- Construction of small dams on the rivers.
- Raise and strengthen the side dams.
- Control the water discharge of rivers by making canals.
- Removal of unwanted silt from the river and thus increasing the depth of river which enhances the water carrying capacity.
- Construction of bigger dam is avoided which increases the water load on the earth's surface.
- Reforestation programmes should be carried out.
Following are the flood rescue and relief operations :
- Relief operations should be carried out at each and every level.
- Houses in flood porne areas should be vacated before the arrival of flood and houses are to be built on platforms or elevated areas.
- Sand bags can be used for redirecting the river water flow in the event of flood.
- Flood forecasting and warning systems should be installed.
- Immediate rescue operations for the people surrounded in the flood by employing boat, helicopter or any other means.
- Medical facility should be availed to the flood affected people.
- Afforestation and reforestation programme should be implemented honestly so that green shelter belts are developed.
- Adoption of water harvesting measures.
- Buffer stocks of food grains are to be maintained.
- Multipronged drought prone area programmes are to be followed.
- Control of population explosion.
- Control of soil and water erosion.
- Watershed management.
- Establishing cyclone early warning systems involving observations, predictions, warnings and user friendly advisories.
- Taking up structure mitigation measures like improving a structural lifeline infrastructure, construction of multi-purpose cyclones shelters and cattle mounds, ensuring cyclone resistant design standards in rural and urban housing schemes, building all the weather road links, bridges, culverts and saline embankments etc.
- Management of coastal zones to include mapping and delineation of coastal wetlands, patches of mangroves and shelter belts and identification a potential zones for expanding bio-shields spread based on remote sensing tools.
- Setting of exclusive ecosystem monitoring network to study the impact of climate change.
- Implementing the National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP) in all coastal states and UTs.
- To get disaster sensitive system.
- Planting of trees in the coastal belt and such coastal shelter belts used in density of Tsunami.
- All the cyclone management measures are to be adopted.
Adoption of these measures can surely reduce the losses of life and property in case of natural disasters.