Dear life,
Thank you for everything. I know you are pondering why, because I do keep invoking you for everything that you put me through either the bad days or bad situations I have been through, but overtime, I have felt that I have so much more to be thankful for.
Learning or teaching, somehow make us think of only one thing, that's education. But education and learning are two different things. There's a huge difference between the two.
So dear life, when I thank you, know that I am thanking you for all the life lessons that I have learnt, all the experiences that I have gained, that were of course beyond the fundamental education.
Lessons like simple ones, me falling of my bicycle or skates or motorbike several times and still standing up, wounded and bleeding, learning what not to do the next time.
Or the funny ones, like quotations and laughter, I shared with the strangers, when we waited for a bus or a cab or a train. Just sharing our feelings or books or playlists.
The conducive ones, that came in the form of family and friends, and understanding that everyone is their own person and you can never change someone else, but can only change yourself.
And the hard ones, that were born out of self-reluctant and hatred, when you taught me that nothing is permanent in life, and as the days passed and everything become more apparent, I couldn't believe something that senseless could have made me feel so in vain.
So here is to you dear life, for exhibiting me how much you are worth living, and how under appreciated you are for being one consistent teacher, who doesn't step back even if we are weak and broken.
Life is better when you cry a little, laugh a lot, and thankful for everything you have got. We all should thank our life for everything it has showed us, given us, teach us and for making us stronger day by day. Hope you all are also thankful for your life as me. It's not too late yet, do it right away.
Ending this with a quotation by Bob Marley :
Love the life you live, live the life you love.
What's your thoughts on this? Let me know in comments. Thank you for reading. See you soon in the next blog. Have a nice day!