Published Sep 26, 2022
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405 words
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Amidst All The Chaos : The Real You

Published Sep 26, 2022
2 mins read
405 words

Hello and yes iam back with a blog after a while as my previous blog could not make it as it was fact based blog and a lot of content were repeated but there is no issues….we learn from each and every step of our life. As we proceed to all my blog readers I wish you all the health and i wouldn't say happiness as that's not the ultimate thing but finding your own happiness in yourself is….We are in a generation where all have become extremely vulnerable and virtual.There is online shopping ,online games,online classes and finally online exams. Doesn't make sense does it??.We are referred to as humans as we are humane and we live life by a set of principles and also ethics and morality.There are many things in life which are unexpected and unplanned so we have to keep an open mind and try to accept as much as possible what comes in our way.Some people are struggling some are settling some are still finding solace in what they are doing.As we passed through the dreadful period of COVID years, trying to calm the chaos, trying to save ourselves and our beloved ones. So many things around us changed and also the way we think about life changed. We got an insight of what life is.We experienced thousands of death and also morbidity which was so cruelsome. Many lost their jobs and many lost their money and the stability of a job. Then came the simili of third world war between Russia and Ukraine, though we were not affected directly but the economy had a huge hit because of it. And finally the climate change we are facing these days ; floods, famines, draught, heat waves , earth quakes and cloud bursts and what not.So amidst all this we have to find a purpose in life and a passion towards which we progress everyday. We have a set of goals in life which are important and to prove it ourselves that we have purpose in life. Its our duty to explore the real us in this chaotic world where we are exposed to various things and situations.

I hereby suggest all my readers to pull yourself togehter and find that inner strength in you to achieve something in life and to be the better versions of ourselves everyday.Strive diligently as Buddha said and be the best versions of yourselves.

m.cube 10/1/22, 10:50 AM
Very well written📝

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