Whenever you are upset or having a hard time, do you get to hear things from people like: ‘why are you stressing so much?’ or ‘why are you letting things affect you?’ I believe you must have! I don't blame them for asking such questions. They are simply trying to help us or comfort us. The thing is no one will ever intentionally stress or become anxious in the first place.
There are a lot of people (including me) who just can't stop stressing or being anxious. It’s not like we want it by ourselves! It’s difficult for us as well to not stress, to not become anxious or to not let things affect us. We try to overcome all of it but we just can't and the more we force it the more it adds to the problems. These type of questions that people ask are like cherry on top. We just want to feel understood that it’s difficult to not take stress or not become anxious. Our mind, our heart is so built that it somehow overthinks about things and makes it worse which causes anxiety and stress. We may come off as a rude person in that phase because we are just tired of hearing the same questions to which we don’t have any answer.
We are tired of hearing these questions from people and even sometimes from our families, telling us to STOP TAKING STRESS! We don't know how to make them understand that we are not willing to take any of it, even we don't want it! But the reality is yes we do overthink, we do stress a lot more than other people but it’s not totally into our hands. Sometimes even trying not to take any of the stress we end up having a lot more of it. After so many years , I have understood that forcefully asking myself not to stress over things doesn't work for me. What works for me , is accepting the reality and giving myself time.
I know it might sound weird because these people are just helping us but sometimes trust me it doesn’t help at all. It just adds more to what we are suffering from. I think sometimes accepting what you are going through makes things a little bit easier than before .To all those people who are advising us to not take any kind of stress, instead of advising us by saying these things, it would be better if you could try to understand us a little more. To others, who are suffering I would like to suggest, to give yourself some time and see what best works for you to get through these times.