In this world everyone has its own story, fiction, dilemmas and dramas, so on. But at the end, having a life is important. So is this enough to have a life or to survive it thoroughly? How you choose your life to be depends upon you, do you want to live it or you want to just pass it.
I know life is not easy, it doesn't meant to be what you want to make it but you have to have it, you have to pass it or you can just survive it. As our elders said, "hastey hastey Kat Jaye raste zindagi yuhi chalti rhe". It's not that much easy, you have to work on it because that was there era, that was there kind of world but it is now completely different.
Nowadays you can't survive without earnings. You have to work harder and harder as there's so much competition around the world. So to get your earning fix is a multi tasking job.
Looking back to our childhood days which were so carefree because at rhat time we don't have to work for our living, that wasn't our responsibility to feed ourselves. We totally depends on our parents. Thnigs are completely changed as we grow up, now it's time to do something for our life as we'll also have to get kids, we'll also become parents at some point of time, we need to feed them because then, they will be our responsibility.
Life is all about ups and downs, highs and lows, depression and morals so on. All we need is true balance our life so that it become easy for us to sustain it to enjoy it to live our life.
In this Fast racing world, everyone is just running behind money as it is a necessity and you have to have it because you can't imagine a life without it in today's world.
But what about having a two time meal with family at dining table, a family conversation, laughing with family, having family picnic.
Well these things are still a dream for many of us because no one has enough time to do such things. So now, what can you do with these situations, simply do efforts of taking out some time for your friends and family and make them to realise their existence in your life. Because at last they are the only one who will stand by your side when you need a support.