Alexa Alexa Alexa we all know Alexa which is an amazon product just like our google assistant Thousands of people have bought Alexa and many other smart assistants. Nowadays intelligent assistants and other gadgets are in high demand everything is connected with a smart assistant whether it fridge, Ac, Lights, or any other equipment. It does make our lives easy but at what cost
"Alexa compliment me"
“Alexa switch on the lights”
“Alexa open the AC”
“Alexa play music”
and there comes thousands of lines for Alexa to o this and that
sounds unbelievable but people asked Alexa to complement them, 7200 times a day in 2021. Alexa is very adequate for conveniently doing all our work but at what cost?
Whatever you say to Alexa amazon records all that data. you must have noticed that whatever you talk about you get the ad for those things you can try it. “Walls have ears too we had heard this but this is really next level. All of the smart assistants are programmed to capture your data and in turn, control your shopping experiences. Amazon is always moving toward making your life more convenient but this game is all about Data collection. This is why it is rightly said ”Be careful what you wish for"
Technology is frequently increasing day by day we know that Facebook and Google know too much about us but we still use their services. Facebook does listen to our conversations it is creepy as what we were talking about and after some time we see the ad about the same thing isn't it suspicious. We all are too dependent on technology nowadays that our body also does not able to work hard in ancient times everyone does each work by themselves and they used to be fit and have long lives but nowadays a person can maximum live up to the age of 60-70 maybe a bit more
Well apart from smart assistants and Alexa there is a new fact that I got to know which is really unbelievable and that is
You can be tracked even if the GPS is off well it is shocking to me also. Smartphones continuously check in with cell phone towers. Using this data the proximity of your phone can be calculated. A phone location can be pinpointed by only using a phone censor. So if you do not want to be tracked do switch off your phone